40+ Fun Facts About Tangerines That Will Brighten Your Day


Tangerines are a type of citrus fruit that belong to the Rutaceae family. They are closely related to oranges and are often referred to as mandarin oranges.The name “tangerine” is derived from the port city of Tangier in Morocco, which was an important trade hub for these citrus fruits.

Tangerines are known for their vibrant orange colour and easy-to-peel skin. The segments inside are typically seedless, making them convenient to eat.

They are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which contribute to their health benefits.

Tangerines are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia and were introduced to Europe and North America in the 19th century.

In many cultures, tangerines symbolise good luck and prosperity, especially during the Chinese New Year, where they are often given as gifts to bring fortune and positive energy for the year ahead.

Fun Facts About Tangerines

Tangerine Trivia

  1. Tangy Origins: Tangerines are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, specifically in China and Japan.
  2. Ancient Roots: Records suggest that tangerines have been cultivated for over 3,000 years.
  3. The Name Game: Tangerines get their name from the Moroccan port city of Tangier, where they were first shipped to Europe.
  4. Petite Size: Tangerines are smaller than oranges, making them easy to peel and enjoy as a quick snack.
  5. Aromatic Delight: Tangerines are known for their distinct sweet and tangy fragrance.
  6. Vitamin C Powerhouse: These citrus gems are rich in vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system and helps in collagen production.
  7. Natural Hydration: Tangerines are made up of about 85% water, making them a hydrating choice during hot summer days.
  8. Instant Energy Boost: The natural sugars in tangerines provide a quick burst of energy when you need it most.
  9. Goodbye, Cholesterol: Tangerines contain soluble fiber that aids in lowering cholesterol levels.
  10. Winter Treat: Tangerines are in season during the winter months, adding a burst of freshness to the colder seasons.
  11. Antioxidant Rich: These fruits are packed with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation.
  12. A Peek Inside: Tangerines are segmented, with each juicy segment enclosed in a thin skin.

Tangerine Delights

  1. Easy-to-Peel Joy: The loose skin of tangerines makes them incredibly easy to peel, making them a favourite among snackers.
  2. Festive Symbol: In Chinese culture, tangerines are considered a symbol of good luck and are often exchanged during the Lunar New Year.
  3. Versatile Uses: Tangerines can be used in various culinary creations, from salads and desserts to sauces and marinades.
  4. Tangy Fragrance: Tangerine essential oil is known for its invigorating aroma and is often used in aromatherapy for its mood-lifting properties.
  5. A Healthy Treat: Tangerines are low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to any diet.
  6. Citrus Cousins: Tangerines belong to the citrus family, along with oranges, grapefruits, and lemons.
  7. Bountiful Harvest: Tangerines are harvested by hand to ensure the fruit is handled gently and doesn’t get bruised.
  8. Juicy Goodness: Tangerines are known for their high juice content, making them a popular choice for juicing and making refreshing beverages.
  9. Natural Sweetness: Tangerines have a naturally sweet flavour, making them a great alternative to sugary snacks and desserts.
  10. A Burst of Colour: Tangerines come in various shades, ranging from bright orange to deep red-orange, adding a vibrant pop of colour to fruit displays.

Tangerine Treasures

  1. Travelling Treats: Tangerines were introduced to the United States by European settlers who brought them from Morocco in the 1800s.
  2. Perfect Travel Companions: Their compact size and easy-peeling nature make tangerines a convenient and mess-free snack on the go.
  3. Boost Your Vision: Tangerines contain vitamin A, which is essential for maintaining good eyesight.
  4. Protect Your Heart: The high potassium content in tangerines helps regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart.
  5. Cold and Flu Defense: The vitamin C in tangerines strengthens the immune system, helping to fight off colds and flu.
  6. Essential Nutrients: Tangerines are a good source of folate, which is vital for cell growth and development.
  7. Skin Beautifier: The antioxidants in tangerines promote healthy skin, reducing the appearance of blemishes and giving you a natural glow.
  8. Aromatherapy Aid: Tangerine essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and uplift the mood.
  9. Tangerine Tea: Tangerine peels can be dried and used to make a fragrant and soothing tea.
  10. Prized Citrus: Tangerines are highly valued in Japan, where they are often given as gifts and considered a symbol of prosperity and happiness.
  11. Tropical Allure: Tangerine trees thrive in warm climates and are often associated with tropical regions.
  12. Smoothie Staple: Tangerines add a tangy and refreshing twist to smoothies, blending well with other fruits and flavours.
  13. Festive Decor: Tangerines are sometimes used as natural decorations during holiday seasons, adding a touch of colour and fragrance to festive displays.
  14. Satisfying Snack: Tangerines are a low-calorie snack that provides a burst of flavour and helps curb hunger between meals.
  15. Tangy Marinades: The juice and zest of tangerines make a delicious base for marinades, adding a citrusy tang to meats and vegetables.
  16. Citrus Fragrance: Tangerine-scented candles and room sprays create a fresh and invigorating atmosphere in any space.
  17. Sweet and Tangy Sauce: Tangerines can be juiced and combined with honey or sugar to create a delectable sauce for desserts and pancakes.
  18. Citrus Ice Cubes: Freeze tangerine juice in ice cube trays to add a refreshing twist to water or cocktails.
  19. Caffeine-Free Refreshment: Tangerine herbal teas provide a naturally caffeine-free option for those seeking a warm and comforting beverage.
  20. Mediterranean Medley: Tangerines are often included in Mediterranean-style salads, balancing the flavours of bitter greens and savoury ingredients.


Tangerines are not only a delicious and refreshing snack, but they also offer a range of health benefits. From their ancient origins to their versatility in cooking, these vibrant citrus fruits bring joy and vitality to our lives.

So the next time you peel open a tangerine, savour the flavour and remember these fun facts about this delightful fruit.


Are tangerines and mandarins the same?

Yes, tangerines and mandarins are the same fruit. Tangerines are a type of mandarin orange.

How many calories are in a tangerine?

On average, a medium-sized tangerine contains around 47 calories.

Can I eat tangerine peels?

While the peel of a tangerine is edible, it is often bitter and tough to chew. It is best to remove the peel before consuming the fruit.

Do tangerines help with digestion?

Yes, tangerines are high in fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

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