40+ Fascinating Licorice Facts


Licorice, derived from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, has a long and storied history. With its distinct flavour and unique properties, licorice has captivated taste buds for centuries.

From its medicinal uses to its presence in confectionery, licorice offers a fascinating journey through time. Join us as we delve into the world of licorice and uncover the secrets behind this beloved treat.

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Facts about Licorice

Root to Delight: Licorice

  1. Licorice is derived from the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.
  2. The name “licorice” comes from the Greek word “glykys rhiza,” which means “sweet root.”
  3. Licorice has a naturally sweet taste due to the presence of glycyrrhizin, a compound that is around 50 times sweeter than sugar.
  4. There are two main types of licorice: red licorice, which is a fruit-flavoured candy, and black licorice, which is made with licorice root extract.
  5. Traditional black licorice gets its distinctive flavour from anise oil, which gives it a subtle hint of licorice taste.
  6. Licorice root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to soothe digestive issues, relieve coughs, and even balance hormones.
  7. Consuming large quantities of licorice or licorice supplements containing glycyrrhizin can lead to an increase in blood pressure and other health concerns, so moderation is key.
  8. Licorice has been used as a natural remedy for soothing sore throats and coughs. It is often found in cough drops and throat lozenges.
  9. In some cultures, licorice root is chewed to freshen breath and aid digestion after a meal.
  10. The ancient Egyptians used licorice root as a flavouring agent in their beverages and even placed it in the tombs of their pharaohs.
  11. Licorice candy has been popular in many countries, including the Netherlands, where it is traditionally served on St. Nicholas’ Eve (Sinterklaas).
  12. The flavour of licorice is polarising, with some people loving it and others finding it overpowering or unpleasant.
  13. Licorice extract is a common ingredient in many herbal teas and can provide a natural, caffeine-free alternative for those seeking a flavorful beverage.
  14. In Finland, salty licorice candies called “salmiakki” are widely enjoyed, showcasing licorice’s versatility in different taste profiles.

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Versatile Delights and Medicinal Wonders

  1. Licorice root extract has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, with promising results.
  2. Licorice-flavoured liqueurs, such as absinthe and anisette, are popular in some countries and add a distinctive taste to cocktails.
  3. The unique taste of licorice can be attributed to the interaction of various compounds in licorice root, including anethole and glycyrrhizin.
  4. Licorice root has been used in traditional medicine to soothe stomach ulcers and promote gastrointestinal health.
  5. Licorice extract is commonly used in cosmetics and skincare products for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. The flavour of licorice is often described as a combination of sweet, bitter, and herbal notes.
  7. Licorice candies are often shaped into various forms, including twists, bites, and ropes.
  8. Licorice has been used as a natural remedy for relieving symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings.
  9. In traditional Chinese medicine, licorice is often used in herbal formulas to harmonise the effects of other herbs.
  10. The Netherlands is known for its love of licorice, with a wide variety of licorice candies and treats available.
  11. Licorice root is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial for skin health.
  12. Licorice tea is a popular herbal beverage known for its soothing effects on the digestive system.
  13. Some licorice candies contain ammonium chloride, which gives them a salty flavour.
  14. Licorice-flavoured ice cream is a unique and popular treat in some countries.
  15. Licorice root has a natural sweetness, which makes it a popular natural sweetener for herbal teas and syrups.
  16. Licorice has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
  17. The glycyrrhizin compound found in licorice has been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties.
  18. In some cultures, licorice is used in savoury dishes to add depth and complexity to the flavours.
  19. Licorice candies are often enjoyed as a nostalgic treat, reminding people of childhood memories.
  20. Licorice root extract is commonly used in the manufacturing of tobacco products to enhance flavour.
  21. Licorice-flavoured liqueurs, such as ouzo and pastis, are popular in Mediterranean countries.

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Medicinal Licorice: Timeless Delights

  1. Licorice root has been used in traditional Persian medicine for its expectorant and respiratory benefits.
  2. Licorice root extract is used in some hair products to promote scalp health and strengthen hair.
  3. Some studies suggest that licorice may have potential anti-viral properties, particularly against certain strains of herpes virus.
  4. Licorice has been used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine to support liver health and detoxification.
  5. Licorice candies can come in a variety of colours, including black, red, and even green.
  6. In some cultures, licorice root is chewed as a natural toothbrush to promote dental hygiene.
  7. Licorice has been enjoyed and cherished by various civilizations throughout history, making it a truly timeless treat.

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In conclusion, licorice is more than just a candy. It has a rich history deeply rooted in traditional medicine and cultural practices. From its use in soothing coughs and promoting digestive health to its potential anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, licorice offers a range of medicinal benefits. 

Additionally, licorice’s distinctive flavour has made it a beloved treat enjoyed in various forms and shapes across different cultures. Whether you prefer the boldness of black licorice or the fruity sweetness of red licorice, there is a licorice delight for everyone. So, next time you indulge in licorice, savour not just the taste but also the centuries of heritage that accompany this timeless marvel.


Is licorice safe for everyone to consume?

Licorice is generally safe for most people in moderate amounts, but excessive consumption should be avoided, especially for individuals with high blood pressure or certain health conditions.

Can licorice help with digestive issues? 

Licorice root has been traditionally used to soothe digestive problems and may offer relief for certain gastrointestinal issues, but it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Are there any potential side effects of consuming licorice?

Consuming excessive amounts of licorice or licorice supplements containing glycyrrhizin can lead to health concerns such as high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances, and hormonal disruptions. Moderation is key.

Are there any alternatives for those who don’t enjoy the taste of licorice?

Yes, there are plenty of alternative flavours and candies available for individuals who do not enjoy licorice. Explore different confectionery options to find your preferred treat.

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