Discover the magic of Cape Verde: 70+ Incredible Fun Facts!


Welcome to the captivating world of Cape Verde! Nestled off the coast of West Africa, this enchanting archipelago is a treasure trove of diversity, boasting ten main islands and a rich cultural heritage. From its warm hospitality, melodious music, and stunning landscapes, Cape Verde invites you on an unforgettable adventure. 

Join us as we unveil 70+ fascinating fun facts about this unique destination, offering insights into its history, traditions, and natural wonders. Get ready to be enchanted by the allure of Cape Verde!

Fun Facts About Cape Verde

Island Diversity: Exploring Cape Verde’s Unique Landscapes

  1. Cape Verde is known for its “Morabeza,” a Creole word expressing the warm hospitality and friendliness of its people.
  2. It is a volcanic archipelago consisting of ten main islands and five islets, each offering distinct natural beauty.
  3. Cape Verde’s capital city, Praia, is one of the few capitals in the world located on an island.
  4. The islands were uninhabited until Portuguese explorers arrived in the 15th century, making it a former Portuguese colony.
  5. Morna, a genre of traditional music, originated in Cape Verde and has a melancholic yet captivating rhythm.
  6. Cape Verde experiences a tropical dry climate with an average of 350 sunny days per year.
  7. The Blue Eye (Olho Azul) is a stunning natural phenomenon, a submerged cave that glows electric blue due to the sunlight’s reflection.
  8. Cape Verde has a unique kite festival, where colourful kites fill the skies during the month of February.
  9. The islands are a haven for marine life, and the surrounding waters are home to various species of whales and dolphins.
  10. Cape Verdeans celebrate the famous Carnival of Mindelo with vibrant parades, music, and dance.
  11. The islands of Cape Verde are located about 570 kilometers (350 miles) off the coast of Senegal.
  12. Cape Verde was an important trading post during the Atlantic slave trade.
  13. The Cape Verdean flag features ten stars, each representing one of the main islands.
  14. The country’s official language is Portuguese, and Cape Verdean Creole is widely spoken.
  15. Cape Verde is the third most literate country in Africa.
  16. The highest point in Cape Verde is Mount Fogo, an active volcano on the island of Fogo.
  17. Cape Verde is a member of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP).
  18. The island of Sal is famous for its stunning sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.
  19. Boa Vista is another popular island known for its sandy dunes and turtle nesting sites.
  20. Cape Verde is named after the westernmost point of the African continent, “Cabo Verde” meaning “Green Cape.”
  21. The unique Cape Verdean cuisine features dishes influenced by Portuguese, African, and Brazilian flavours.
  22. Cape Verde’s traditional dance, “batuque,” involves rhythmic movements and vibrant costumes.
  23. The island of Santo Antão is known for its breathtaking landscapes and lush green valleys.
  24. Cape Verde has a rich cultural heritage with influences from Africa, Europe, and South America.
  25. The national dish of Cape Verde is “Cachupa,” a hearty stew made with corn, beans, and meat or fish.

Cultural Enrichment: Delving into Cape Verde’s Rich Traditions

  1. Cape Verdeans celebrate their Independence Day on July 5th.
  2. The islands are a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, offering excellent conditions for surfing and windsurfing.
  3. Cape Verde is a popular destination for birdwatching, with various migratory and endemic bird species.
  4. The archipelago has a thriving music scene, and “funaná” is another popular dance style.
  5. The island of Maio is known for its tranquillity and untouched natural beauty.
  6. Cape Verde is a member of the African Union and the United Nations.
  7. The national currency of Cape Verde is the Cape Verdean escudo (CVE).
  8. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Dia de Nossa Senhora da Luz” (Our Lady of Light Day) with religious processions and festivities.
  9. Cape Verde’s economy relies on tourism, remittances from overseas Cape Verdeans, and fish exports.
  10. The island of São Vicente hosts the famous music festival, “Baía das Gatas,” attracting music lovers from all over.
  11. Cape Verde is the first African country to be awarded the “Green Globe” certification for sustainable tourism.
  12. The famous Cape Verdean singer Cesária Évora was known as the “Barefoot Diva” and achieved international fame.
  13. The island of Santiago is home to the UNESCO-listed Cidade Velha, the first European city in the tropics.
  14. Cape Verde’s waters are rich in marine life, making it a fantastic destination for snorkelling and diving.
  15. The Cape Verdean people celebrate “Dia de Liberdade e Democracia” (Freedom and Democracy Day) on January 13th.
  16. Cape Verde has a thriving arts and crafts scene, with local artisans creating beautiful pottery and handicrafts.
  17. The island of Brava is renowned for its unique microclimate and lush vegetation.
  18. Cape Verde is located in the Atlantic hurricane belt, but hurricanes are relatively rare.
  19. The national symbol of Cape Verde is the “Grogue,” a traditional sugarcane-based alcoholic beverage.
  20. The Cape Verdean national football team is nicknamed the “Tubarões Azuis” (Blue Sharks).
  21. Cape Verdeans are skilled boatbuilders, and traditional wooden boats called “lanchas” are still used for fishing.
  22. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Nho Santo Amaro” on January 15th, a festival dedicated to Saint Amaro.
  23. Cape Verde has a diverse marine ecosystem, including sea turtles, dolphins, and humpback whales.
  24. The island of São Nicolau is known for its volcanic landscapes and unique rock formations.
  25. “Nature’s Marvels: Uncovering Cape Verde’s Fascinating Wildlife”

Nature’s Marvels: Uncovering Cape Verde’s Fascinating Wildlife

  1. Cape Verde has a strategic location for satellite ground stations due to its proximity to the equator.
  2. The official currency symbol for the Cape Verdean escudo is “$.”
  3. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Nos Kaza Festival” to honour their homes and strengthen community bonds.
  4. Cape Verde’s landscape varies from rocky mountains to sandy beaches and fertile valleys.
  5. The island of São Vicente is famous for its vibrant nightlife and music venues.
  6. Cape Verde has a strong tradition of storytelling and oral history preservation.
  7. The island of São Vicente is the birthplace of renowned Cape Verdean poet B. Leza.
  8. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Nho Senhor do Mundo” on January 6th, a festival celebrating the Epiphany.
  9. Cape Verdean women are skilled in weaving traditional baskets from palm leaves.
  10. The island of Santiago is home to Cape Verde’s largest city, Praia.
  11. Cape Verdeans often use “pet names” to affectionately refer to one another.
  12. The Cape Verdean judicial system is based on the Portuguese legal system.
  13. Cape Verde has a variety of endemic plant species, adapted to the arid climate.
  14. Cape Verdean weddings are joyful and colourful events, often celebrated over several days.
  15. Cape Verdean men often play “batuko,” a hand-drumming music style, during festive occasions.
  16. The island of São Nicolau is known for its “festas de romaria,” religious pilgrimages with lively celebrations.
  17. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Nossa Senhora da Graça” on September 15th, honoring Our Lady of Grace.
  18. Cape Verde has a growing ecotourism sector, promoting conservation and sustainable practices.
  19. The island of Sal is a top destination for salt extraction, giving it its name, which means “salt” in Portuguese.
  20. Cape Verde is home to the Rabelados, a religious group that follows a unique blend of Christianity and traditional African beliefs.
  21. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Nos Kaza” to remember and honour their ancestors through music, dance, and rituals.
  22. The island of São Vicente hosts the “Carnival Mindelense,” a vibrant and colourful carnival celebrated before Lent.
  23. Cape Verdeans are skilled in the art of handcrafting guitars and other musical instruments.
  24. The island of Boa Vista is a nesting ground for loggerhead sea turtles, and turtle-watching is a popular activity.
  25. Cape Verde’s Cape Verdean Warbler is a bird species found only in the islands.
  26. The island of Santo Antão is known for its unique coffee beans, grown in volcanic soil.
  27. Cape Verde has no rivers, and its fresh water mainly comes from underground sources.
  28. The Cape Verdean national dish “Cachupa” is often served with a spicy sauce called “Molho Crioulo.”
  29. Cape Verdeans celebrate “Liberation Day” on July 5th, marking the end of Portuguese colonial rule.


As our journey through the fun facts of Cape Verde comes to a close, we are left with a profound appreciation for this extraordinary destination. From the rhythmic beats of Morna to the warm smiles of its people, Cape Verde’s allure is undeniable. Its volcanic landscapes, pristine beaches, and diverse marine life make it a paradise for explorers and nature enthusiasts alike. 

As you bid farewell to this enchanting archipelago, carry with you the memories of its rich cultural tapestry and the beauty that lies within. Until we meet again, may the spirit of Cape Verde’s Morabeza always guide you with its warm embrace. Safe travels!


What makes Cape Verde unique

Cape Verde’s uniqueness lies in its volcanic islands, warm hospitality, and rich musical heritage.

Which is the best time to visit Cape Verde?

The best time to visit Cape Verde is during the dry season, from November to June, for pleasant weather.

Can you spot whales around Cape Verde?

Yes, Cape Verde’s waters are home to various whale species, making it an excellent destination for whale-watching.

What is the significance of Morabeza in Cape Verdean culture?

Morabeza represents the friendly and welcoming nature of Cape Verdeans towards visitors.

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